Company Registration

Foreign investment and trade are now gradually but firmly being welcomed by this sovereign state, unlike in the past. For many foreign organizations, the standard way to conduct business activities in Myanmar is using a limited company. An overseas company registered in Myanmar or a representative office established outside Myanmar can be the company in question. If you are a foreign investor considering conducting activities business in Myanmar, Company Registration in this country is a lot easier and faster.

Rules and Regulations

If a foreign associate owns one share in a Myanmar company, it is considered a foreign company. In the past, the process of company registration in Myanmar as a foreign entity was long and cumbersome. Due to the new expectation of foreign investment law in Myanmar, the rules and regulations of company registration have been eased.

Investors who wish to do business in Myanmar can register their companies under the Myanmar Companies Act and obtain a trade permit. This is irrespective of whether the company is fully owned by the foreigner or a joint venture operating through a representative office. Nevertheless, a company owned by a local citizen does not have any foreign directors or shareholders.

Foreign Investment Law

Myanmar's Foreign Investment Law (MFIL) governs company registration in a few steps (Myanmar Foreign Investment Law). Firstly, a company under this law should apply for a permit from the MIC (Myanmar Investment Commission). After identifying the most appropriate regulatory ministry for your business, you should consult Myanmar Investment Commission, obtain their approval, and set appropriate terms and conditions. You will get your approval within 7 days, after which you will be issued a permit. There is no need to renew this permit periodically since it is approved for a long period of time.

Company Registration

All foreign companies in Myanmar must also obtain a 'Permit to Trade' before they can begin doing business there. The Permit to Trade is usually applied for at the registration office and requires authorization by MIC.

An application for a Permit must be accompanied by several documents, including the Form A of Myanmar Companies Regulation, a copy of each shareholder's passport, a completed questionnaire form, the intended activities, and the financial standing of the company. Permits tocompn Trade in Myanmar are usually renewable after every three years.

Company Incorporation in Myanmar

After the registration process has been completed, the company must submit an application for incorporation along with a copy of its trade permit in order to become an official company. After 4-6 months, the period required for company incorporation, a certificate of company incorporation is issued. A foreign company incorporated in Myanmar is also subject to the requirements and procedures stipulated in the Companies Act. After the incorporation process, the private company may now commence its business activities. The same procedure usually applies to the registration of public companies.

Company Registration In Pakistan has become an attractive application for many investors. It is self-evident that if you desire to get a share of this great opportunity, you need to consider investing in Myanmar today.


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